Upcoming Events:

R&B Yoga
At Sol Collective Vero currently offers a 1 hour R&B (Relax & Breathe) flow while vibing to the likes of R&B, Hip Hop, Jazz & Funk to get the commUNITY more connected to the flow and deeper into their bodies and practice. We start the class by setting an intention, moving through a slow/moderate restorative flow, holding postures from anywhere between 2-5 mins to get deep into the tissues, ending the class with savasana, adding on some option breathwork at the end.

Sound Healing
Sound Healing w/ Celeste
Monthly sound healing sessions are back at Sol Collective!!
led by Celeste
2024 Class schedule:
February 11th
March 10th
April 21st
May 12th
June 9th & 23rd
July 7th & 21st
August 4th & 18th
Septmber 15th
October 6th
November 10th
December 1st
clases are always on a Sunday from 11am-12pm at Sol Collective
2574 21st Street, Sacramento, CA 95818
$10 at the door // no one turned away from lack of funds See less

Global Local Mercado
The Global Local Mercado is back!! 🛍️
Join us at Sol Collective from 11am to 2pm for a chance to shop unique cultural goods and arts produced by some of our favorite local artists including clothing, jewelry, food and more.
Think global and buy Local 🌎✨
Upcoming dates:
March 9
May 11
July 13
Sept 14
Nov 09
Dec 14
2nd Saturdays | 11am-2pm
Sol Collective | 2574 21st Street, Sacramento, CA 95818
Free & all ages. Bring the family! 💗

Beads & Beats at Sol Collective every First Friday from Feb to Oct 2024, 6-9 PM. A space for creatives to work on their beading projects. This is a potluck event, a space to create, eat, and listen to music together!

SLAPS Open Aux
Highlighting the producers and beat-makers, Open Aux is an open-mic style opportunity to showcase your latest slaps and slumps and receive feedback from other local music creatives and build your network.