Opus Open Mic
3rd Fridays 6:30-9:30
Opus Open Mic is more than just an open mic, it is an immersive art experience. At OOM, we center artists. With a new featured artist every month, it is our goal to excite and entice our guests with live performances from diverse artists, with edible art, and an interactive open mic that invites the community to share the stage with monthly featured artists. Founder and host Chloe Williams envisions cultivating a unique, one-of-a-kind atmosphere for guests to enjoy.
“My introduction to Sol Collective was actually over a decade ago, when I was a sophomore in high school. Sol was my first internship site and really shaped my life path,” shares Williams, “I literally wrote my first poem at the Sol Collective, performed for the first time at Sol, and I just want to bring some of the joy, beauty and magic I have found in my life and bring it back home [to Sol Collective], that’s really the vision for Opus Open Mic.”
At OOM, we invite you to think and to feel, and to be in community with other art enjoyers and enthusiasts as we strive to create an artist hub and meaningful connections within our community.